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Construction over recent decades saw the prevalence of reinforced concrete structures being built, and although many buildings and structures whether bridges, tunnels or sector specific assets such as service reservoirs, may have been structurally sound for years, however, they are all vulnerable to deterioration when exposed to weather, water or aggressive environments over their design life.

All too often we see concrete surfaces that are cracked and exhibiting signs of degradation allowing water ingress, whilst corrosion of the reinforcement leads to concrete spalling and a reduction in the anticipated service life.

Engineers and architects continue to push the boundaries for new structures to the limits, providing challenges on-site for innovative techniques to provide a watertight structure with sufficient protection to the reinforcement from carbonation and chloride ingress through the design life of the structure.

Innovation has been the key to our success over the past four decades and will take us forward in the future. We continue to invest in the latest application techniques and material technology to provide our clients industry leading remediation techniques across the Civil Engineering sector.

We work collaboratively with all clients to understand the issue at source and provide responsive, technically driven solutions to remediate the asset and where possible solve problems, identify and eliminate unwanted costs and improve function and quality via value engineering.

Our works on the Highways England and Water industry frameworks have frequently led to significant positive results for the client in terms of improvements to methodologies which have realised considerable cost and time savings on projects. Ram Services Limited have a wealth of industry experience and provide all clients with early contractor involvement.


  • Condition survey repair strategy
  • Regular suggestion and implementation of material trials
  • Access solutions and aligned scaffolding specialists
  • Wealth of concrete repair product knowledge
  • Identifying and removing risk from projects
  • Improved health and safety to projects
  • Programming experience
Ram Services are a pleasure to work alongside.



Have a question or need assistance? Contact us today. Our team is here to help you with anything you need.